
Perspektive Emsland

The idea for a "Perspektive Emsland" project with Paraguay developed at the Emsland Business Association following a lecture event organised by the association on the subject of "Intercultural Management". Professor Klassen from the Bonifatius Hospital in Lingen reported on good experiences with doctors and nurses from the South American country.

This was the initial spark for a project group to find out whether it would make sense to bring trainees or specialists from Paraguay to Emsland. There are many German colonies in Paraguay where the inhabitants speak German and are well educated in schools, but have hardly any prospects in their own country.

The aim of a delegation trip organised by the association in summer 2018 was to provide information about training opportunities in Emsland and to encourage the first young people to start training in Emsland as part of a pilot project.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) of the European Union.



The "Perspektive Emsland" project focuses on the transition between school and work and aims to enable young people and young adults from Paraguay to complete an apprenticeship in Emsland. The aim of the project is to fill unfilled apprenticeship positions and recruit new potential skilled workers for the region.

  • More than 40 training occupations
  • More than 30 companies involved in the project
  • More than 20 young people in training, internships,
    voluntary year
  • More than 6 industries


Since 1 October 2018, there have been 1,561 registered applicants for vocational training places. This compares to 3,289 registered vocational training places in Emsland. In purely statistical terms, this means that 2.11 vocational training places are available per applicant. In 2017, 515,670 new training contracts were signed in Germany, 54,792 of which were signed by foreigners without German citizenship.

This means that there is a very good chance for a student from Paraguay to obtain a training place in Emsland. The advantages include the same cultural mentality and the common German language.

A win-win situation for the young people from Paraguay as well as for the Emsland companies when it comes to recruiting skilled labour.


Wirtschaftsverband Emsland
Claudio Wiens
Herzog-Arenberg-Straße 7
49716 Meppen

  • +49 (0)5931 5959 618

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Wirtschaftsverband Emsland 
Sabrina Wendt
Herzog-Arenberg-Straße 7
49716 Meppen

  • +49 (0)5931 5959 611

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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